The Official Writing Challenge
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I know those potluck dinners well (unfortunately) and your point is very well taken. We need to promote the upkeep of our "temples" as well as our spirits.
I enjoyed this. You have a delightful sense of humor. I found myself nodding my head and smiling as I read. I was pulled in right away. The conflict (MC vs nature or her body, which Jan mentions in her lesson on the forums) is one I can certainly relate to.

I noticed that you switched your voice several times. You started off using third person plural (they), then suddenly in the middle of the paragraph switched to second person. You went back to third person, and then to first person plural (we). I think this would have been good in any voice, but it should be consistent. If you did it in the first person, it would feel like telling a personal story. For example: Having ignored the passage of time and the numbers on my unused bathroom scale, my eyes bulged out as I gasped at the numbers on the scale at a routine doctor's visit. It took all my willpower to not grab the nurse's hand as she kept moving the weights to the right. “What?” I screeched, clutching my throat. “This scale must be wrong!”

That's just a quick example of how I might do it. I'd probably go on to include the nurse's body language and comments while turning the stuff about her weight and chocolate into thoughts (which should be in italics). While I'm thinking of italics, make sure you hit preview before submit. Often the format looks perfect on your word processor or submission page, but then the wretched machine switches it up. The preview will show how it looks to the reader and gives you a chance to tweak it manually.

Another thought, which isn't easy to do, but if done right can really work, is to use the second person (you) as a tongue-in-cheek type of a how-to article. Jan's Writing Basics on the forums has lessons on how to do the different voices. After reading her second-person lesson, I decided to do a challenge called "The Favorite." It's not perfect, but did rank in the top ten that week. I could easily see you do something similar because of your sense of humor and great word choices.

You do a fantastic job of selecting perfect verbs like clutching and screeching. You really paint a picture for the reader. I also liked how you put a bit of Scripture in too. They were a perfect fit for both your message and your style. (Try not to overuse exclamation points. Save them for dialog. Instead let your wonderful vocabulary do your exclaiming.) I think you nailed the topic too. With some tweaking and editing, I could see reading this article in a Christian modern woman's magazine or blog. This is an issue so many people struggle with. Find the right audience, and I can picture the Holy Spirit take your words and use them in ways you might not expect. You definitely have the raw talent.
I really liked your article! Congratulations on winning 3rd place!