The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 589 times
Member Comments
Thank you for sharing your work here with us. Being a writer is a long journey and you are well on your way, having made the hardest leap by sharing. I hope you'll keep growing and learning with us. I enjoyed your piece. It has a good subject matter. And I look forward to your next entry. Keep moving forward.
Straight from your heart...that's one of the most important factors of writing, sharing from the heart, and you did just that.

God bless~
Very good thoughts in this poem.

I like where you said he brings us words that rhyme. God helps us be all he has made us for. He has given us our interests and talents.

You have an interest in poetry. Keep working at it.

Always let your work rest one day and then re-read it carefully word for word to make sure you have the words you really meant.

Good writing. Keep it up.
Thanks for sharing your article. We have all been at the starting point and we all continue to learn and grow. That's the beauty of the challenge articles and feedback. We want each writer to excel. Keep writing. It's always helpful to review and read out loud the article in Preview mode before submitting. I've learned many gems the hard way. I know you meant Praise Him in your dream yet it reads Braise. Never stop writing since it comes from the soul.
Oops! Many gems should read many times.