The Official Writing Challenge
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How often I have been convicted by the Holy Spirit for letting other things take precedence over time with my children. Sometimes we do it unconsciously and sometimes we do it so we don't have to face a problem involving our tiny loved ones. But, they need us more than we know and all they truly desire when they disobey and act disrespectfully, is a little shower of our time and love! On another note: keep watch on your spacing and punctuation:) This is a wonderful devotional piece!
Very nice reminder...I could be that mom who always had soemthing else to do and needs to stop and live today with out child. You wrote this very well except as said about, a few punctuation errors. Work on that and it will present so much better!
oops..and NOTE MY spelling error! Why isn't there spell check on this??LOL
The story is okay, watch the POV shifts, and split the dialogue. Good message, our kids our with such a short short time - every minute is special.