The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Good job with keeping on topic. Amazing and true that most people don't even use a "real dictionary" - all online now! You incorporated that nicely into the story-made me smile.

I enjoyed it- God Bless~
You definitely did a nice job with the topic. I can tell you are working on showing instead of telling. I think you needed more conflict. This would have been a great place to bring up evolution vs creatism. Keep writing- I really see you spreading your wings more keep it up :)
Cute little tale about using the search engine! Branden’s little comment about how search engines have simplified things is so true, things can be found in seconds now, instead of hours browsing through books. I agree with Shann and actually I was expecting some information in this, from the title and the conversation, to at least touch on evolution versus creationism! I was surprised when it didn’t go that direction! LOL I would also suggest giving your characters more personality to stand out more, they almost became invisible in contrast to the search engine information. Good concept for using the topic! Blessings!
Nicely constructed conversation, though predictable. Definitely on topic.
The amount of information available at our fingertips amazes me too. I've never heard of "inquick," I may have to do a search for it. :) Thanks.