The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I like this entry and the memories it evokes for Mick. A sense of nostalgia runs through.
Very nice, touching and gentle until I spoke, what great way to break the silence and rebuild the interest. Well done.
Beautifully done. Very moving. Just watch sewn/sown. God Bless.
Great opening paragraph - you drew me in and held my attention right through to the end. I was surprised by Mick's anger when he spoke, though - it seemed to me that he had started to experience some healing already at that point. Overall, a good story. Well-done.
Beautiful and touching story: the circumstances of his grief are barely hinted at which allows the exploration of his feelings greater prominance. Held me from start to finish. God bless.
I remember pieces of flowers and seeds getting stuck on my socks when I would run through the woods as a child. The smell of honeysuckle outside our apartment is like my "forget-me-nots". Nice article. It brings back good memories for me!
You painted a very vivid picture of Mick's childhood home and revealed his bereavement with compassion and just enough detail. Loved the layered meaning behind the 'forget-me-nots'
You set the scene beautifully, and described a touching moment in time.

Just one piece of advice. As you consider your readers, be aware that some kind-of-strong-language in Australian English is very-strong-language in the language of US Christians.

You did great. Looking forward to reading more of your work!
Be still and know that I am God. How we need to do that more often! Thanks for the reminder in this heart felt story.
I enjoyed this introspective story! Thank you!
Very touching indeed.
This was very descriptive! I also wondered at the anger Mick felt, but sometimes the anger has to be expressed before the healing can even gain the foothold it needs. I love forget-me-nots! Great choice of flowers to keep Mick's memories alive.
Ute? Mick? Oh, man Emily. You wrote my dad, a gardener named Mick with a white ute who loves flowers - not particularly forget me nots though, a little too stereotypical, but it was a good use for the topic. Seriously, Em: who IS this written about? Did God subconsiously tell you to write about my dad (when he finally becomes a Christian that is) :D?