The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Wow! i so love this poem! hope it gets up on that winners board because it is soring high in my estimation
Wow, this is so very good! I can picture that eagle symbol you describe with the arrows in his talons. Your poetry is wonderful!
well done on the highly commended! there were some great entries in beginner this week
Bonnie, I'm so pleased to see the highly commended bar at the top of this. Super congrats!
Beautifully done in construction as well as spirit. Congratulations on your HC.
There is a lot of power and authority in your writing - What you've written here, reminds me a great deal of the 91st Psalms. Yes, indeed but call upon and rely upon Him once more. Great job, and congratulations on your EC. Loren
Your last stanza was masterful-make my hair stand up-anointed. It was a little wordy to start, but you finished with a memorable bang. Such an anointed voice; one for today. This poem gave me strength. Excellent job. I am very excited to see such anointed poets and writers sharing here. Keep working, you'll be one leading the pack one day. Outstanding entry!