The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Can I get an Amen? Yes! You based this on one of my life scriptures. Yes, with God ANYTHING is possible!
This was pleasingly simple, and direct with a solid message. You made me chuckle at the thought of Jesus saying "Hmph". Good Job!
It's refreshing to hear someone say for a change that God's role isn't to make us all wealthy. Nicely put.
Your faith has made you well. Keep writing for the Lord.
This would make a good devotion.
Great devotional!
I've seen this played out so often in my own life, and I've seen God perform miracles. Good devotional on the topic of faith
I agree, good devotional. :o)
You have a beautifully written devotion! I appreciate your historical background info, "many people believed that riches and wealth were proof of God's blessings…" Your ending verse is my prayer too. Nice work!
Can't really add anything to what the others have already said. It's sad that some people think God is like a teller machine and can be manipulated. Well written devotional.