The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I can feel, with you, the sadness that you feel that you are so far away from your son. May I suggest that you try developing this piece around that theme, and perhaps delete, your early comments about your memories as a child?
I believe the answer is on the horizons, if you get my drift. I agree with Deborah about the first paragraph. Your writing however is wonderful. God bless, littlelight
The beach makes the memory of your son more poignant and the ocean that separates you from him is almost heartbreaking. Trust in the Lord; He makes things happen and your pain would be less severe.
I nice portrait of a wonderful family. Thanks for sharing it.
Don't miss him at the beach, touch him. You know how to do that. Missing him creates a sadness, touching him is much better, and remember, an aching heart is one that God understands oh so fully.
Thank you for sharing.
As I live near the sea, I look out also and think about our relatives in Ireland. Thank you for this article.
You spoke every mother's heart when there children are away. I've never thought of the beach like you portrayed it with the ocean separating loved ones. Nice entry!
"...wondering if he also is touching his toe on his side of the water." This comment seems so full of longing. I also know what it is like to have children who live far from home; it is a difficult adjustment, for sure.