The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is a beautiful testimony of God's restoration, and an excellent example of the topic.
You know what I loved most? That you e-mailed her with not only Scriptures, but also with funny sayings...showing that you were still very much a relate-able mother, and not a preachifyer.

Avoid the use of exclamation points as much as possible--they should be used mostly in excited utterances.

As a mother of grown daughters, I could really identify with this.
Very sweet and moving story! Thanks so much for sharing. One tip that has helped me is to avoid using the same word.... for example, excellent is used twice in one paragraph. O enjoyed your story.. keep learning and keep writing.
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this. I know as a mother of grown children, that it is hard to see them drifting away.
I love how yours ended.
A story written from the heart. Nice entry to the topic. :)
Hey Norms, isn't it wonderful how faithful the Lord has been to each one of us as we entrust our children to His care. This is a very moving and well written story!
I liked it... and professionally, am dumb-found!

The motion in the peice takes you only to its final words; while the sincerity anchors the reader through.
I like to check out the writing of someone who has taken the time to critique my own work- and thankyou for doing so. The parable of the prodigal son came to mind as I read this lovely story which is still in progress. Is she by any chance your middle daughter? Just wondering.
I am a little late at commenting on this, but I must say your story touches my heart, and I can feel how you must have felt. The Lord is indeed good, and I am truly happy for you and for the mending of new bonds in requited relationship. God bless you and your family!

This is a beautiful account of restoration and how the love of God can heal even the most painful wounds.

My own mom abused alcohol for ten years, my teen years. There grew a great rift between us. I remember one time asking her why she was so much closer to my sister than to me, and she replied honestly that I kept a wall of reserve between us, so she couldn't get close.

In the midst of the chaotic years of her drinking, my grandfather, her dad, moved in with the family as well. He drank too. Those were dark times.

Eventually, God gave her the desire to quit drinking, and she and I began to bridge the gap that had grown between us, just as you describe in your article above. She and I even attended AA/AlAnon meetings together, since her dad was still drinking and in the home, and she was maintaining sobriety.

God knit us together in a beautiful way. She came to share my faith in Christ. She died in 2000 of lung cancer, and I miss her terribly. But I hold the hope of knowing I will one day see her again in eternity!

Hugs, Cheri