The Official Writing Challenge
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Strong example of how we each have our strengths and weaknesses. Bless Edith's heart for being so compassionate and pray that God will smooth her abrasiveness. :)
I like that you saw the good in Edith, though she's hard to deal with at times. Hers is an attitude most people won't try to find good in, but she's quite a character!
Good story for the topic. This just summed it all up beautifully:
Her bark is loud and she might bite you at times, but she will always be there with a band aid, a comforting hand, and a prayer of support to those who are hurting or in pain.
Thanks for sharing this. Liked the title! I think every church has someone like this, and bless the MC's heart for looking past her faults and seeing her beauty. True christianity - love, compassion and a forgiving spirit. Great writing! God bless! :)