The Official Writing Challenge
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A thought provoking read. I could hear God learning in over her shoulder and asking "what about me".
I liked it very much, thoughts that everyone should keep in mind
How true it is, that Christ, the very Reason we celebrate the season, some how gets lost on the "Martha's" of the world, oh if we could all be like Mary and push all of the gifts, and the meals aside and sit at the feet of our Lord asking Him how He would like to be served!
Enjoyable read, and good message.
A poem filled with compassion and heart. So like our Lord!
Hi Patricia. I'm just preparing the December/Christmas Issue of FaithWriters' Magazine and found this wonderful poem by you. Would we be able to use it in the Rhythm of Life section please? If you could send me a private message to let me know if that would be okay, that would be great. Also, I'll need a two to three sentence bio note (in the third person) to go with it. Hope to hear from you soon. Love, Deb (Editor, FaithWriters' Magazine)