The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I like your theme. Proofreading more carefully would help you - "I seen" s/b "I saw" and "safing" s/b "saving" for example. But nice job writing out your thought, I enjoyed it.
Amen! Your voice is clearly raising the call to action in the Lord's Name. Good for you. Short but true!
You brought out a good analogy here. You are exactly right. God wants His fire to burn within us. Keep writing everyday! I would suggest that you proofread your article for spelling and grammer errors before submitting it.
I am sure your intent was well meaning, "to be on fire for God". But to be a "fire-fighter" that would be contradictory to what you are trying to get across. In order to stay on fire for the Lord, I shouldn't fight the fire but embrace it. Keep writing and improving.