The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is beautiful. I am really bad about reading titles so when I first read this I pictured the disciples in the Upper Room before Jesus had appeared. Then when I read the title it all clicked and I found the piece to be even more profound.
This was so well written, and I loved the scriptures at the end of the entry.

Powerful message to read the Bible and learn the TRUTH of His word, and to embrace Jesus'words, and all of His warnings, in all of the Gospels, as well as the OT to all that will hear and see.

Excellent writing...Thank you for reminding people to pick up the Bible and learn His Words and TRUTH.

May God Bless you with His wisdom and His love always~
Congratulations on ranking 8th in Masters and 24 overall!

Congratulations on ranking 8th in Masters and 24 overall!

God Bless~
Our hearts have been focused on the rapture lately, too. Time is short. You have an amazing message, so exquisitely written here. May it be used to warn others before the time occurs that you warn against. Excellent!!!