The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a perfect story for the topic. The story is just right those who know their Bible, but someone who isn't familiar with this story may feel like you've left them hanging.
I love Biblical entries, and this one didn't disappoint. The story of Esther is one of my "many" favorites. You did a fine job of bringing the topic to the forefront with this entry. Esther was certainly taking a chance, and risking it all for her people. Thanks for this, I loved it.

God bless~
A great choice that is a real story about real risk.

My only thought would be that the change from Essa to Esther would leave some people wondering what the name change was all about. There were enough words left for a small paragraph that explained the change. To be honest, I don't even know where Essa comes from. Is it a nickname, a different translation or just a device to hide the ending?

None the less, a brilliant story in dialog that I really enjoyed.
I picked up on your hints early on and guessed it was a nickname. The entry was very dialogue focused...a little more focus on the reactions of each woman would increase the suspense factor. Good job with the Biblical fiction; I can imagine that conversation as real.
I knew this wouldn't disappoint and it didn't! It kept me reading until the very end.

I too didn't get the Essa to Esther change at first but then I did right after so it wasn't too jarring.

I very much enjoyed this.
I knew this had a slightly familiar feel to it but you had me going to the end. You did such a great job with bringing these chapters to life. It's very creative too.
I too, was in the dark till the very end, but it was so well written that the ending tied a bow around the whole story and gave me a genuine aha moment of realization. Esther could have very well had a conversation just like this. Well done.
I may be out on a limb here, but I think this story is as much about Darice as it is about Esther.
"For you, Esther, I think I can." Darice abandons her doubts and takes a chance on faith. It is she who is found "on her knees."

I think the proper term for a female "Master" is "Mistress."

Thanks for introducing a lesser known character in a familiar story.