The Official Writing Challenge
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A far cry from the ending I wanted, but probably the more realistic one. I'm sure this happens more often, crushing idealistic thoughts of third world mission work.

I didn't see the topic, but enjoyed the story.
After reading your hint, and already knowing this was true, yeah, this doesn't surprise me, I can see this happening (pretty sad).

(But people can change, grow up, it may take awhile.) There's always hope.

I liked discovering what each day held for the boy. I even had to smile at times. :)
I enjoyed the truthfulness of this. He'll know when he's ready to try again. And at that point, he'll be ready. God Bless all His missionaries.
I can't imagine how tough your job is. Thank you God, for loving, caring missionaries.
Wow... I can only imagine how frustrating this must have been for you. I wonder how many young people this happens with? We hear so many stories about the "mission field," but little emphasis is placed upon the physical discomforts involved. And I'm sure that talking about it in advance is never the same as experiencing it. Good realistic story--I admire you and your husband a lot!