The Official Writing Challenge
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Oh, we need more teachers like your MC--the kindness she showed to this student is immeasureable. Bless you for writing this.
As a teacher myself, this story touched me. So many late nights, so many papers to grade, meetings to attend, parents to communicate with, so many days of wondering why we do this. Then stories like this one remind us and drive us forward. Nicely done.
Awww, sweet. I labored too hard over trying to figure out the note (understood most of it) before I realized you'd rewritten it below, haha. Great story. I admire all the teachers who make a difference, and look forward to the day I can help in a small way as a interpreter.
Awww! What an awesome teacher. there needs to be more teachers and professors like that in todays academic world. Really! The "Scul" reminded me of Christopher Robin from Pooh. I'm glad that someone took the time to encourage a little boy and not label him as "stupid" just because his difference is in catching up what he is learning and putting it to use. Great job! This is an inspiring read for me on a gloomy day. ^_^
Great Job! If only more teachers would pray for their students and ask how they can help them I believe there would be more stories like this to tell.
I especially enjoyed the description of the bulletin board of the autumn scene with Todd's writing in the center...very touching, thoughtful, well written story.
This really touched the special ed. teacher in me.
This is one of my favorites of the week. I love the way you spelled the words the way kids really woudl spell them. I especially loved your "b" and "d" confusion that many young children face.
Oops, speaking of spelling words wrong. That should be "would spell them."
So very touching. Love the way you used the topic color to reveal Todd's essay. Excellent.
Oh, I love this one, so tender and sweet. If we could have more teachers, just more people in the world like this what a better place this would be. Great job in writing this wonderful piece and Congratulations on your win.
Congratulations, Vonnie!
Congratulations, Vonnie. I like Todd. I've had a few Todd's in my years of ministry.
Yay for your win today!! I used to be an elementary school teacher, so this resonnated a lot with me. I remember a "Billy" - foster kid, newly adopted by a great Christian family, rascally, ADD, big-hearted, a handful and totally loveable. Thanks for this reminder about the difference we can make.
This was a wonderful story, Yvonne. Congrats on your standing of 6th! You deserved it, or even better. I love stories about how someone understands and helps the underdog...Oh that every teacher was so understanding....Lovely story...Helen
Yvonne, this is such a warm, fuzzy piece. Good teachers are more rare than ever and I'm for championing them every chance possible.
This makes me think of when my baby brother was in 1st grade. His name was Brad Brian (he's passed away). He would sign all his papers Bard Brain.
I really enjoyed reading this story several days before results were out, and I know why it did so well. It is a great story. I loved the way your MC made the boy feel special instead of stupid. Congratulations on your level placement and your EC.
as a past elementary school teacher I really enjoyed this one. My heart ached for teacher as she sought God's help for this little boy that was conveyed through a simple note. Very well written.
What an excellent story. Having a grandson with a speech disorder - he cannot pronounce his consonants - I thoroughly identified him in your writing. Well done!!!
I'm all choked up... This was truly a beautiful piece with a heartwarming message. Man, I do love good teachers!!! They can change the world. Thanks for this one.