The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I found this touchingly tender and beautiful. Everyone should have an Uncle Mar. Loved the lesson packed within this creative piece.
This is a beautiful character study, rich in detail, as well as message.
So tender, touching and believable. Not enough Uncles like him in this world.
Softly written, so much so it made me feel like I was prying into private family business.
Waiting on should be such a simple concept and yet we often make it such a difficult thing to do. I like this uncle's attitude and how he hung on with every ounce of faith that he had for his niece. Great story.
Oh my goodness, is this beautiful. Oh, how i liked your presentation of what happened here and the transformation at the end from, the waiting room, to one where he would never wait again. Such lovely content! Amazing piece, brings tears to the eyes.Loved it! Well done!