The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You weaved a great story here - and one that didn't go where I was expecting it.
I've seen so many stories that start out happy and end in misery - this story of continuing blessing was refreshing.

Thanks, and God bless,

Crying and reaching for a tissue. This really touched home. Thanks for sharing.
A beautiful story of the start of an amazing legacy. I was truly blessed by each scene.
Well done! It's very hard to make so much time pass in such a short story, but it seems quite effortless here.
I didn't expect the sad ending! Very well written though, I could connect with the characters and emotions, except for the part about Lisa-Joy when she was 5 years old. The first couple of sentences didn't sound like something a 5-year-old would say. Just my opinion though! Kids are smarter than we give them credit for.
A very sweet story which touched home for me too. Like Molly’s cookies, the story is reminiscent of my grandmother’s own legacy with her éclairs. I enjoyed how the ministry of her cookies was continued on in her honor.
Yes ... this touched my heart. Well done!
Great story. I'm reading "The five love languages" by Gary Chapman this would fit in his book nice.
I really liked how you moved the story from honeymoon stage... past first kids kindergaten to more kids...etc. I really liked how it jumped from year to year, you did it very smoothly. Very well done. I liked the blessing it was to each individual. An outward expression of someone's love with something so simple. Nice Work! xox