The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Wow! Wow! this is why you are in Masters. I am in awe of your unique perspective in presenting the "Cross"

This is sure to be one of my favorite. Excellent Writing!!!
What a wonderful legend!
A winner for sure. This would be perfect for a gift book. I certainly would buy it. Excellent writing. God Bless.
Excellent! The imagery and imagination completely captivated me. Thanks!
What a wonderful tale brilliantly told! I could picture every bit of this SO clearly - and I love how you tied the scarecrow thing into it. Very inventive!
An awesome tale! This was a very unique and touching perspective of the cross. I liked your last paragraph but felt the story could have ended just as well with the paragraph before. Your writing is exceptional. Great job!
Double Wow! The scarecrow twist gave me an 'ah' moment. Awesome POV.
COOL! Loved the point of view all the way through, but the ending is magnificent! Wow, the scarecrow thing is...brilliant. :-)
Oh my! I never saw the ending coming -- you kept me reading and then astonished me with the ending! Great work! Very, very creative! :)
I like this take on the topic - and the references to Christ. The tie-in at the end was clever - and added to the fun. Thanks for sharing this.

God bless,

WOW, terri. I love a writer who looks at the "box" as three dimensional, and takes the reader to a place they wouldn't of thought of on their own. I don't have any thing else to say, other than I honestly enjoyed this a great deal and I'm very impressed. God bless.
I loved the creativity of this piece. The last paragraph was ingenious and made the whole story. Absurdly, I found myself wondering why the words Jesus spoke to the crow weren't recorded in the Bible. I guess that's why your piece would be considered Biblical Fiction, eh? :-) Well done!
Truly great writing and a most clever ending.
You have alot of well-deserved comments here and must add my own that the end was brilliant. My only suggestion is to cut down on the -ly words. Adverbs should be used sparingly.
CREATIVE! Wonderful story! I love it!
The ending swept me away! Wow! Great POV! Great story.
I just can't believe how creative that was! I know this will win. Great perspective and twist at the end. I loved it!!!

Lisa Cox
Oh wow! What a take on the cross and tieing it to the modern day world! Wonderful job, Pup!
Congrats on your highly creative entry! Good job!
Congratulations on your win, Teri. It is very well deserved. This was my favorite in Level 4. I've spent some lazy summer days observing the antics of crows so this was delightful to me. What a powerful perspective. So creative, well done.