The Official Writing Challenge
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I am a new mother to a four month old daughter, and often wake up in the mornings with headaches as Jedidiah keeps me awake most of the night. I love my daughter but sometimes feel more like a milk factory and a workhorse. Thanks for sharing. I am convinced that God takes pleasure in my being a mother.
That's was beautiful. I really enjoyed reading it. Too many moms feel as if they don't have a purpose in their life -- this article should dispel any such doubts.
Yeah, I had a few (ok more than a few) days like you did. Parenting is one of the hardest jobs we will ever love. Savor those precious moments with your little ones. Always take time to enjoy the "symphony." Well done. Thanks for sharing.
wow. This is it. this is so 'right' I can't even put it into words. no sugar coating, straight substance. i really loved this one for the honest, all guts pure beauty of this piece. i'm not a parent yet, but have had the same conversation with God numerous times concerning His plans for little 'ol me. Beautiful job. I really hope this places in the top 3. everyone should read it.
Wow! I loved this. My children are grown and we have adopted our grandson. My whole life changed along with any previously well thought out plans. God has spoken to many times in this area. Thanks for reminding me.
Wow, Ann! This is wonderful! The ending is sheer poetry. I've gotta tell you, the phrase that resonated most with me is "...still attached..." How well I remember that! I opened the door on some visiting evangelists once with a baby still attached!

Anyway, this story is a great example of why you're one of my favorite writers.
I liked everything ... after the first line. But the rest was a jump in - full throttle grind (just as it was supposed to be) and I got tired just reading it. Excellent skills. Then the calm relaxation of the ending. Very very good.
Wow! I like this a lot, especially the ending. Very well done.
Just found out this was yours Ann! Incredible. Does your town know of your gift? You should really expand this ministry.
From one stay-at-home mom to another - thanks for the valuable insight. I shall try to look no further for my "supposed" grand purpose other than inside the walls of my home and family. Wonderful storytelling with a valuable lesson attached. :) Jo
Oh, how you hit the nail on the head for many of us. For me it was memories. All mothers need this message. Good job.
Wonderful insight, excellent writing. Who could ask for more? And what mom can't totally relate? Even those who do work will be touched by this piece. Well done! Great entry on topic.
I love your main message - that we're not called to find our 'grand purpose', but rather to just be. Beautiful!
Congrats Ann. I really loved this piece. Proud of you!! (BTW, has there been an EC that you haven't been in? Just wondering...(wink) LOL
Ann, congratulations! I've never had the joy of children of my own, but you sure gave me a heartfelt taste! A message of rest that I needed to hear, by one of my most admired FW's! Thanks for this gift!
Thank-you Ann for writing this. What truth! I'll never get tired of reading your challenges.


Congratulations, Ann. The message of this true-to-life story showed fibers of love woven throughout His purpose. Brilliant!!
"Do you see? You desire a grand purpose for your life, but all I want is for you to be. Love Caleb. Love Hannah. Be you."

That is my theology - even if it isn't quite aligned with current popular thinking. God does indeed create opportunities for us to do good works, but He also says "Be still and know that I am God."

Nicely done! Congrats!
You wrote this so well. I hope you have begun to send out queries and devotionals to magazines, as you certainly have a ministry in encouraging others with their day to day struggles. I get the sense that perhaps this was God reminding you of a truth you had put away for a while. Even as writers, we need to just BE.
Thank you for showing how God's purpose in motherhood. Congratulations on your is so well-deserved!