The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Beautiful read!
God bless~
This is one of my favorite stories this week. You caught the emotion of what it must feel to awake from a coma. It was also a creative approach to the topic.
I felt in the moment as you described your MCs thoughts so vividly. Great Job!
Wow! This is sheer brilliance and one of the best stories I've read in a long time. I can't even put my emotions into words. You did a stunning job of pulling me into that hospital room. I was just telling someone else that incomplete sentences distract me a bit, but your piece is a perfect example of how to break the rules and make it work. The incomplete sentences set the tone and pacing of this story perfectly. Congratulations on a very well-deserved first place EC! I'm doing my happiest Happy Dance!
Congrats Hannah for your well deserved win!
Congratulations, Hannah, on placing 1st place in the EC awards this week.

Your story was really well done, and I'm going to add it to my favorites.
Congratulations, Hannah, on your firstplace EC for this haunting, emotion-packed story.
Hannsh, Wow! This was a masterfully done piece. I felt like I had just awoken from a coma. Sheer genius.

Congratulations on your first plac win in EC.

You wrote a realistic piece from the almost unconscious. It was a gripping tale. Congratulations on your 1st place blue ribbon.