The Official Writing Challenge
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So beautiful that it made me cry--both for its beauty, and for longing. Wow.
Wow! The is absolutely beautiful! This speaks to the
grandmother in me who experienced similar feelings with my first grandchild.
I've read this poem several times, and lines keep taking me by surprise, this being one of my favorites:

"this very day, this Christmas Day,
while snow

falls softly, as snow should fall
on a Christmas Day"

I had a hard time finding a natural rhythm, and wondered about your choice of line and stanza breaks. I'm only beginning to learn to appreciate poetry, tho. :)

I was surprised to find that the MC was the grandmother, it put an entirely new twist in the plot of the poem. You've managed to tell a lot in a few beautiful words.
What a wonderful, "Remarkable" Christmas gift. Your word choices AND this poem are exquisite!
Good Work and I want to say Congratulations and Merry Christmas!
Simply remarkable poem, in every way!
My kids aren't old enough to make me a grandma yet, but I will love to experience the wonder of it.
This is a beautiful recounting of what must be a precious time.