The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is creative yet so realistic, and I loved the ending. Boy, can I relate to seeking out info. that I can't seem to find anywhere. I guess I need to 'google' more often. :)
Great title. Fun content. Although having done a couple of years on the front desk at a library, I like to think I was a LITTLE more helpful than your librarian - LOL re the card catalogues! Just read the other day that 'google' is now an accepted verb in the English language.

Well done!
Well, this brings a smile to the readers face! How we can all relate!

Nice way to plug the ole organic way huh? ;)

Fun format too. You did a really good job on this!
I'm a huge Googler, so I really had fun reading this one! Love the unusual format--takes a real pro to pull it off, and you did it beautifully.
Very, very clever!! I love the format, the details (which are SOOO realistic!) and the ending. So much fun!!