The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is such a needed reminder. Even though I have parented three now grown children, I catch myself regularly second-guessing parents in news stories. It was some of those recent tragic accidents that precluded me taking alight-hearted approach to this topic.
So touching!

Excellent...this brought tears to my eyes!

A great message for all parents.

My wife and I laugh at the parents we see in Wal Mart stores that have trouble handling one child.

We had seven and they were like ducks following momma around. We could take them anywhere and just give them "the look" and have no trouble.

We must as Christians remember that we don't own the mold on parenting skills. Every child is different, every situation different.

We must rely on other Christians to help us grow in our skills as a parent. God has the best selling book on parenting. Lets use it and share it with others so we as a community can raise them together.
Congratulations on ranking 2nd in your level and 14 overall. Happy Dance.
This is such a powerful story. My daughter recently had a miscarriage and although I never had the privilege (yet) to hold that baby, my heart still aches and peopled say dumb things in an attempt to comfort or sometimes because they are hurting so they want others to hurt, but mostly out of ignorance. Great job and powerful message.