The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You have some super fun lines, "legends in their own lunchboxes" and "disconsolately giving comfort to some jugs of beer" And above all, I just appreciate the fact that our God can change any game. I can see the wisdom in the warning in your author's note and that it should be heeded. :) Your writing comes across as natural and effortless in this completely enjoyable and entertaining message. You have a gift.
Amazing writing! I agree with Beth, you certainly have a gift. Your first paragraphs didn't suggest you'd be introducing a stripper of all things, but you brought her in with perfect timing and detail. I could sense the atmosphere. (Not that I'm familiar with such things, haha) But through this you also managed to include your message so seamlessly.

If I wasn't so British I'd say WOW WOW WOW! But seeing as I am I'll say BRILLIANT WORK! And destined for a win!
This was a delight to read. The way you weave a tale is not only entertaining, and powerful, it brings reality to the forefront without being preachy.

Loved it, as did all of your devoted fans. You are indeed a prolific and gifted writer.

Thanks. God bless~
Oh and I forgot to say, the fact that it's true makes it all the more amazing. Thanks! God Bless~
This is a well-woven tale that is true! It's a great story about a chaplain who obviously has a great sense of humour and uses it very well - so necessary I'm sure with footy players etc. Well done!
Great devotional-style piece; and I agree, you have excellent choices in words. I love the chaplain's response and the build-up to the moment. I kept waiting to find out what he would say. I also like the footnote at the end.