The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is a delightful love story that I'm sure many of us can relate to. You had me giggling and even though I knew who the mystery lover was right away, I still sat on the edge of my seat and gobbled up every sweet, delectable word! It hasn't been easy this quarter to keep coming up with fresh ideas, but you did a grand job.
I. Loved. This!

It is interesting that our society refuses to officially admit the potential harm from sugar. Only the fanatics are bold enough to call sugar poison. Yet,the more of these challenge entries I read, the more clear it is to me that everybody knows sugar has a dark side.

Anyway, I loved this, how it was presented as a letter to a dear friend. The tone, the flow, and everything else was was fantastic. Put a smile on my face.
Good job and well written. I enjoyed this piece.
God Bless~
Really enjoyed your dialogue with sugar. The part that struck a chord with me was your observation about too much of a good thing making us throw up...moderation is the key and gives us the freedom to enjoy God's abundant blessings.
Congrats. God bless~