The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is SO fun! As a personal fan of Star Trek, though not to the extent of calling myself a 'Trekkie', I enjoyed this story a LOT.

Great analogy---good connection and certainly on point for the writing cue. Good job!
Very clever entry, and a fresh way of presenting the topic. Nicely done.
God bless~
Star Trek: Voyager was one of my favorite shows when it came out. B'Elanna wasn't the first to have that duality of heritage. Spock in the original series was half human/half Vulcan but they didn't develop the internal conflict as much.

Excellent parallel to our own old/new natures in Christ. I've also heard it described as the "white dog/black dog" analogy where you must decide which dog to feed.

I would have liked to see an applicable Bible verse attached to the beginning or end for further contemplation.

This is certainly a devotional which requires action or at the very least serious meditation. Nice job at making us think!
Hehe this is a great comparison. Very creative!
Very creative take on the topic and nicely written. I can't say I am a Star Trek fan, which is ironic since I never missed a segment of the original television series. Great analogy though, and excellent writing. God bless!
I too chime in as a Star Trek fan (of the entire franchise ... each and every episode of each and every series). I remembered the episode as I read this and thought the comparison was spot on. I agree that a Bible verse would have tied it altogether (as a devotional) well.

Nice job!
Fantastic analogy, and a great application of this week's theme!
Oh girl, I am definitely not a Star Trek fan. Then again, after reading your article I find I might be and just didn't realize it. Enjoyed the story and the analogy was very, very good.
Well who would have thought of using a Klingon analogy! This is unique and although I never watched Star Trek, I was intrigued by your clever take on the topic. Well Done!
You have developed an excellent analogy in your story.
Well Done! I LOVED this story!
Great work ... congrats on the 3rd place finish!
Congratulations on your ribbon! Nice job - and well deserved. God Bless~
Enjoyed your article very much. It was a great analogy and a great reminder of our battle with this old flesh and a wonderfully encouraging conclusion to the whole matter!