The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1211 times
Member Comments
I should have known! But you held me (a clueless captive) to the end. Personifying the iris worked!
Nice. I kept reading hoping for the truth to be revealed and it was- in the form of an iris. Thank you for a touching story.
Very creative and clever entry! I guessed the flower perspective early on but loved how it played out.
Well done!
Blessings, Lynda
Very clever. It took me a while to twig to the story line too. A good way of reinforcing that biblical truth. Well done!
Whoa! I wasn't expecting that ending! :-) This one made me think--good job.
Great job! It took me a while too, and the realization of who your 'leading lady' is was delightful!!
At first I was scared of another dark story - loved the end and the brightness. Very creative way of portraying "flower".
You had me fooled to the end, even when the dirt was put upon her! LOL! This is good!
Have to admit Jan, I was with Tammy there for a while thinking, "Oh my! This is a really dark entry." You did this so well that the twist wasn't obvious until we drew close to the end. That deserves a pat on the back all by itself.

But, you also did very well in the Flowers Challenge anyway - you actually ranked 7th in the Level 3 awards, and 13th overall (out of a total of 145 entries). So well done!

With love, Deb (Challenge Coordinator)