The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Your piece reminds me of riding the bus with my Grandma when I was a kid. I really enjoyed it and your title is excellent.
Oh! I loved the story, the message, and Grandma's Godly example! She reminds me of my very own Godly Mom!!!

Thank you for writing this piece. Very well written in sweet, simple, kind, encouraging tone.

Grace and peace in Jesus' holy Name.

What a perfect example of sharing our faith! Lovely story! And a lovely Grandma!
You did a great job showing Grandma's personality. Nice details; I liked her resourceful way of using the newspaper rubberbands.

We need more white nights around.

I was expecting a male character because of the title; "knight" isn't usually applied to women. Once I got past that, I really enjoyed this wonderful sister in faith.
I like seeing this grandma's faith in action. Very cool:)
You've written this very well! I enjoyed Grandma's sayings throughout. Your title is great and compliments your story.
Reaching people for the Lord by meeting them at the point of need is certainly one good way to begin. Regardless of age, we can play our part, and your story gets this message through very clearly. Thank you for sharing this interesting story.
Perfect title! Who would ever think it would be a sweet little grandma! Warm and endearing.