The Official Writing Challenge
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I could almost feel the sweat as I read this. We're having a heat wave in Colorado right now and I'm mighty glad for the AC. All said, I really love summer and I do love lemonade. Nice job.
Excellent descriptions. I could feel the heat radiating off the roof.
The physical picture, tar smell, heat and blessedly cool drink came through so clearly. Nicely done.
I really liked this. I loved the kind old oak and the last line--" lemonade on a hot summer's day ..." but then I hiccupped. "...pouring hot tar on a roof." jarred me. My instinct is a couple of words would clarify but I don't know which words. It would work to end after summer's day but runs the risk of sounding cliche-like.
I particularly liked the way you built up the background to your descriptioion of grace. The work really sounded hard, and the idea words "what hell might be like" gave a nice touch of foreshadow to the message.
A wonderful lesson and I really like the ending. Nice writing.
What a great connection to the grace of God...lovely. Well done!
Do I ever know what tar tastes, smells, feels like! And you've nailed it! Great writing and a great way to bring "grace" (one of my favorite words)into the mix. Kudos!
A great example of God's grace learned on the job.
Some highly evocative imagery here from the heat of the tar to the weariness of the labourers to the sweetness of the lemonade.
It's a funny thing but I've read your piece three times now and I'm still struggling to see the connection to God's grace. There's an allusion there to Hell fire so maybe it's just the contrast between the two. But it left me scratching my head!

I'll take a jug of "God's grace", thank you! Home-made in heaven, I'll bet!

Loved the analogy of life's hard labors being refreshed and relieved by God's grace(lemonade)! Amen.