The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1861 times
Member Comments
Powerful. It took me until the end to "get it". God bless you as He heals you- I'm cetain this article would be a blessing to those who can relate. I wasn't sure it fit well with the "quiet get-away" topic... but well-done.
Jesus is truly our refuge from terrible storms of life.Powerful piece.Thanks for sharing.
Wow! What can I say? As a fellow anger survivor, I can only agree with your answer. Jesus. Plain and simple. Thank you for sharing this painfully personal piece.
It sounds like you're discovering that a heart full of Jesus is the ultimate retreat. :-)
Wonderful Piece! May it help bring healing to many! Way to feed the multitudes!
A wonderful message of healing and hope. Thank you for sharing your pain and your victory.
There really is no retreat other than the true peace we get from working through life in Jesus' name and with his grace. AMen
08/09/05 brave to be so transparent. Your honesty surely will help others in similar circumstances. God bless you as you heal.
Your story will help and encourage many to let go of the past and pain, and lead others to Christ. This is a very heartfelt and touching entry. God bless you on your amazing journey in Christ, littlelight
The writing and courage to share combined are certain to be a great step in healing. I'm sure many will join me in praying for continued progress.
I just want to clarify - this piece is purely fictional. I should have noted that on the bottom of the story. Sorry about the confusion but I am glad it had a "real feel" to it. Hopefully it brings hope & healing to someone who needs it.
Good flow in thoughts and action.
A very compelling read.
I know it's hard with the word limitation, but I really wanted to know more about this friendship. Well done!
Great reading from beginning to end! Top of the line descriptive writing. You got a little down and dirty this time, eh? Good job. :)
A powerful story -well written.
A moving and powerful story. I like the simile in the third paragraph.
I was arrested till the end. Well done.
Captivating story. Excellent message of hope!
Excellent and powerful. A top 8 contender to be sure. I'll be surprised if it isn't in the top 3 at least. Good word use, to the point, nothing extra weighting it down. Strong from opening line to conclusion. Tie-in to "retreat - as in quiet time away" is weak ... but that is the only weakness I could find. :-)
Wow, tough, and captivating. Good job.
Wow! I was really glad to read your comment that it was purely fictional, simply because this is such an awful thing to happen to anyone ... but I know it does. Well written. Kept my attention from start to finish. And so real.
Well done Lynda. Simple words I know but, you wove simplicity and complexity together so well they seem to fit. Wonderful message. It can be apllied to any of those crutches we use when we don't understand. A contender for sure.