The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1035 times
Member Comments
Oh, this is sad. I noticed a few typos, but this is very well written. If only people would take the time to enjoy their blessings while they still have them. Poor Guy, I bet the house IS quiet.
Unexpected convicting ending. You engage your readers with some humorous images (love the half naked Barbie). Several typos, as I'm sure you already know. Mine had some too.
Nooooo! So sad! Good descriptions of family life, but I still can't get over the shocking ending. Well written.
I could really dig the reflective writing style - helped me slide right into the narrator's mind. And what a perfect ending!
I didn't care so much for your Jingle Bells opening. It works on a second read but it left me confused the first time round.
Bless you.