The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
It took me a a couple stanzas before I was quite following, but then I caught on and enjoyed the read. Oh, how easy it is to worry about what others are thinking of us.
Wow! This is excellent from the title to the end. Great words, rhyme, meter, and pictures. I love it!
Fun read, with a great message. Well done. Thank you. Loved your humor.
Perfect for the topic, smooth flow, and complex rhyming. Masterfully written.
The title caught my attention. I thought: "Aha! A natural poet." Congratulations on such highly polished poetry. It appears to flow so effortlessly from your pen/keyboard, but I bet it took a bit of work to get it as good as this, sticking to the disciplines of consistent meter and rhyme. The underlying agonies of creating a good impression for our relatives, we can all relate to and complain about in our writing. Expressing it so skillfully and humorously in verse makes it a masterpiece.
I also have a preference for traditional styles myself, but I can appreciate others -- as long as it's consistent. You certainly showed that, although I might have avoided the slanting rhyme on the last line.
Sorry this is a bit wordy. I felt it was worth more than just a "Bravo!"