The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1522 times
Member Comments
I like the descriptions and the humor, you make light of the situation you face with special needs children in your home. I like the way the writing was pulled together.
I liked this. A paragraph or two into it I was expecting it to be sad. Instead, it was delightfully funny. Sometimes humor is all there is for maintaining sanity.
Good voice and descriptions in this piece.
You made me feel right at home with "Don't take off your shoes. We're not fastidious…" :) The toy that "exploded its orange guts everywhere" made me smile. I love bread from the bread machine. I may just make myself at home in your home and stay awhile. :) I love this tour… and your creativity!
I've read backwards though Advanced level, and now I know why--I saved the best for last. This is AWESOME.
Amazing! This was so enjoyable to read and see the love oozing from every room. I laughed out loud when I read "Fortunately it came off of the cat after only a couple of days. We weren't sure how the bank would have responded if we'd tried to deposit him." A true family home complete with bumps and scratches. Superb!

Nothing to add that hasn't already been said, but this is among my favorites this week.