The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1090 times
Member Comments
Some great examples here, and a nice conversational tone.

It's usually best in non-fiction to avoid use of exclamation points. It's like bapping the reader over the head. Your writing is fine, and your word choices more than adequately convey your meaning.

I enjoyed this essay.
I think many of us here at fw have had the same feelings now and again. You did a great job making your point. I like your math analogy very much.

Great work.
Yep! That first entry is exciting and fear-filled at the same time. But you did a good job of writing out your thoughts, and you followed through by submitting the entry. Now, you can breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for the next Challenge!
Congratulaions! You clearly made your points. You overcame your fear. You jumped in with both feet. You're one of the 'gang'. Keep it going
Congratulaions! You clearly made your points. You overcame your fear. You jumped in with both feet. You're one of the 'gang'. Keep it going...
Congratulaions! You clearly made your points. You overcame your fear. You jumped in with both feet. You're one of the 'gang'. Keep it going...
Ooops...I don't know how this was entered 3 times...guess I made my point.
Honesty is the most important thing a writer can bring to the page. Each of us has a different experience on this earth, and if we're called to write then we have to find our own "voice" on the page, which I think is one of the hardest and most terrifying parts of writing, for me anyway. But I've learned that the thing you're most afraid of is the thing you're probably best at, and Satan is trying his hardest to give you the most doubt in that area. He's great at smoke screens. When you just take the leap, afraid, you always find your feet touch the other side!