The Official Writing Challenge
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It's so refreshing to read of a wife who is madly in love with her middle-aged husband. Breath of fresh air!
Your story is the story of a blessed woman. Sadly most women don't appreciate their spouse until they become widows. To value him now is a precious gift. But it's not your only gift. Your style of writing is a gift too.
I wonder if all men are so considerate as to ask their wives if they need to use the bathroom first? LOL. Great line. Great writing. Thanks for making me look at my husband in a new way today.
Blessings, Lynda
Superman. Got me! I'm expecting muscle thickened torso and undies on the outside! Thanks for the reminder that it's the inner being that counts. The essential person is the one we fell in love with. Little typo: (five start restaurant) bet you were kicking yourself when you saw it. Doh!
The love and warmth and contentment and thankfulness comes through in every line.
This is so dear and precious. Every wife should read it; in fact, every husband too. One gets so weary of hearing how awful a spouse is, of the rolling eyes that convey so much discontent. This is beautiful. If we still voted out here in regular-person-land, you would get a vote from me. :0)

Cute ... touching. Makes me realize why I get up every morning.
Thank you for this sweet and intimate peek into an everyday but loving relationship. I think your husband is blessed as well. Nicely written with many homey details and descriptions that let us "see" through your eyes.
Very sweet, touching story. I chose to write lovingly about my DH for the challenge as well. Glad you're just as blessed. :)
I knew from your hint to get it the first time. I'm so certain that I am going out on a limb and greet you as "Sally". I'll find out tomorrow. If I am wrong, whoever you are consider yourself blessed for to be momentarily considered as God's Sally is something I would consider a compliment.

I know you were sharing from your heart; your wonderful humor and insight is so prevalent; but also is the scarlet thread woven through the article when Holy Spirit was at work when it was conceived and written.

Yours and mine describe the perfect husband for each at the stage of life and marriage we are in.

Such marriage relationships are possible when the marriage is the union for life of three--husband, wife, and the Trinity.

Re humor, when God united Bob in matrimony to this then size 8 or 10 40-1/2 year young seminary graduate less than 2 years out of the Seminary who was working on her gerontology degree was one given period of time. God graciously let me experiment on him what I was learning and Bob graciously became a part of my degree. I had the best type of "working relationship" or on the job training I could ever have asked for during the years God gave us together here.

And we had our humor. As I put on the middle-aged spread, I would look at myself in the mirror in frustraton. I got to signing little notes accompanying expressions of my love for him "From your baby blimp who loves you so."

He, too, put on additional weight and so I picked as my name for him "My baby whale."

One time, as I was doing the mirror critique, I said, "Honey, I'm no longer the petite girl you married."

He looked at me, came over and wrapped his arms around me, and smiling at our refleciton in the mirror said, "That's just like all of my investments. They multiply with time." Bobbi
Just lovely! I can SEE the whole picture. Outstanding writing and a wonderful tribute. Bet hubby's feeling mighty good! :)
Thanks for the delightful look at your Superman! Makes me want to call my Superman on the phone at work and say, "I love you like a Pamplona bull!" He wouldn't know why he got the call, but he would love it just the same! Think I'll go do that... Blessings, Cheri
Sally, I had this one pegged as a top eight editor's choice. I appreciated it completely. Thought that you might like to know that!