The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1236 times
Member Comments
I love this! Your conversational tone, your wit and self-deprecating humor, the hilarious circumstances--just perfect.
What a hoot! Can't stop laughing. You may sparkle on my screen anytime you wish.
What a delightful voice! This story was such a pleasure to read. I chuckled all the way through. Thanks for brightening my day.
Such a fun one, Marilee! I love your voice and the humor throughout. Great ending too! Fun stuff, girl!
SO funny! I loved your sweet sarcasm and there were several lines that made me laugh out loud! Wonderful! I only noticed a few tense shifts that needed a fix but other wise - terrific! Perfect ending too! Oh- the line about finding two inches you didn't know you had showed your thoughts perfectly!!
What a hoot! I agree with all of the above. Reminds me of a play we saw last month. Oh! I was holding my sides while I read this one. Good job, glitterbug!
Lots of fun reading this! Bet the girl got the job. I enjoyed this one. Thanks for sharing it.
Do you ever know how to "get into character!" This sounds like someone I actually know. You are absolutely delightful and you write so well. Welcome to Advanced as you move on up to the top!