The Official Writing Challenge
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Perfectly true. The best pieces are those that are whispered as we write, and then whisper to the heart of those reading.
So well said - and SO true! Many of my best publications were done with God looking over my shoulder and His whispering the "word" or the phrase I was looking or searching for! Very well written and a great Read for all... especially wordsmiths, a/k/a writers. Good job!
Something every writer here can relate to, that's for sure! You might consider changing the 2nd person references in the the 2nd and 4th paragraphs to 1st person, to be more consistent with the narrative feel of the rest of the piece. I like the image of God at your shoulder while you write.
I can relate so well! Thank you for putting it into words. Good job!
I think we all identify and agree with what you're talking about! And I liked the idea of being an "interpreter" - your last line was a fitting punch to end your article. :-)
This was delightful, encouraging reading. Especially for a writer.