The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1772 times
Member Comments
Love the conversational, give & take exchange that leads the reluctant sinner to accept salvation. Storytelling often makes a stronger case than preaching!
A beautiful, literary start to an inticing story. Great description gave me a real sense of place. Yopu could increase the tension for the reader by keeping the sentences when he is escaping from the croc really short.
oops cut and pasted the wrong response in there, I'll be back with one just as good! If I can find it.
I'm with Jan 100% Also feel you've captured a realistic voice for your character.

The teaching came through really strongly but in a non threatening, non preachy way. Well done! Particularly liked that you made it clear that life, after opening the door, would not be a 'bed of roses.' Enjoyed the relaxed style. yeggy
This is absolutely wonderful! I love the tone, and the sly wit. One of my favorites.
Terrific, I loved it. Emotion, conflict, humanity and the door transforming itself into Christ was a master stroke. One tiny typo "religios" but who cares. Great job.
LOL, Lynda. See? That's what happens when you type your entry in a flurry at 7:00 Monday morning. :-)
I also loved the conversational approach. Hope this can be used other places too to encourage would-be-believers to take the plunge ... or open the door ... or have Jesus be the door ... or whatever the most appropriate analogy is!
Conversations like this are so hard to pull off.. but you did it with a flair and a grace. Most excellent and for sure a contender. Well done.
Boy - we both wrote about doors this week! Is this the why it is with adults? They hesitate like this when God is knocking? You made it seem real to me since I was saved as a child. For a last minute write up, you did a great job! I'm always so jealous you can do this! ;)
Nicely "framed" - good beginning and ending! I think you hit the nail on the head with this conversational style...on again, off again...sort of wishing God would take over and make things happen, but then finally taking the plunge and finding the "door" to be the person of Jesus!! Well done - enjoyed this a lot. :-)