The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 568 times
Member Comments
A compelling story from beginning to end. Its easy to jump to conclusions when you don't know all the facts.
I liked the story. I did have some red ink. Rae's should not be possessive. She arrived "there", not here. P.6, places should have period,not a comma, and the remainder should be a new sentence. Near the end where "Me and a sidewalk tangled" comes in, left me confused. I had to go back and re-read as I had forgotten Rae's mishap in the beginning of the story.
I loved it, well done and completely on topic!

God bless~
Lovely simile, " signpost with the address, hanging like a loose tooth"...

Enjoyable story, thanks.
I enjoyed your story & felt the MC's relief when she found her sister.
Great title, and a story that carried me along to the well-paced reveal of the Avenue vs. street confusion. I do love happy endings!