The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Wow! My head is spinning reading what you've described. I am so glad that everything worked out concerning your husbany, praise God! He is good all the time...all the time God is good!

I have Fibro it's really a complex disorder.

The conclusion fit the topic totally. Again, so happy everything went well. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

God bless~
Sorry: supposed to read

God bless~
My head was spinning from all the action. This makes your line "I don’t have anxiety, I CAUSE anxiety.” to best describe all the chaos in your story.
I spend many a sleepless night on a hospital cot, or reclining chair or very short sofa as my wife is admitted with one of her many (as in many times per year) "bad days". You describe the whole scenario perfectly. Although I have not experienced copious amounts of blood, I have anxiously been put through heart issue that have sent crash-carts racing down hallways, and I imagine the anxiety is much the same. I felt my hear racing as I read your entry and was right there with you. Just a great job of writing.
Brilliant writing. You captured the confusion and anxiety and exhaustion so well. I'll send up a prayer for you and Mike.
The perfect antithesis of chillax for sure!

Beete Davis said it so well- 'Getting old ain't no place for sissies'
Wow, I was right there with you, spinning around with your pain.

I love your writing.

Blessings, Lynn