The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I loved the first half! I love lists, and I can completely see myself making a list for such an important undertaking! But I had trouble keeping up with the switch over for the second half. I wonder if it might work to show that example through the mom, without switching to an outside perspective? If the mom gets frustrated with "class" interruptions, runs late with dinner for dad, and feels like the day has completely fallen apart, she may feel like she set a poor example. Finding the grace and strength in God to keep going in spite of what she sees as her shortcomings and failures sets a powerful example for her girls.
This was such an entertaining read. I loved it. The entire piece from beginning to end. This multi-layered piece will touch many hearts.

Thanks. God bless~
A challenging and instructive article. I really liked, "He's the real deal."
I really enjoyed this. The twist was marvelous and really packed a punch. I was going to suggest to show the kids' ages or introduce them gradually throughout the story, but I have a feeling that was all part of your clever plan. Nice job.