The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Two points I liked in particular here. One, the importance of be-friending and getting to know the people around us. And, two, that because we have dedicated our work to God we can having confidence and not be ashamed. Good lessons here for getting back to the basics of what it means to work 'as unto the Lord'.
I really admire your diligence to find just the right message that fits the topic each week. There is no doubt that writing devotions is your niche and you bless countless people each week with your messages from God.
I echo Shann's sentiments.

I would like to add that you do a phenomenal job with the entries week after week...and always present in a fresh fashion of worth to the reader.

The Word is always fresh and welcomed.

Thank you. God bless~
Good devotional piece. it takes us out of ourselves and into the lives of others. That's certainly God's way, and you wrote a good scriptual reminder of it.