The Official Writing Challenge
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An honest commentary on the inevitability of relational struggle. It is true that death teaches us to value life!
Sometimes the circumstances are defeating, rather than the people.
Sometimes I feel the same way. Thankfully, my m-i-l is still with us. Thanks for sharing.
Excellent work. I love the nickname and believe the story to my core. Been there...oh, how those zingers can hurt. A great story, well-told!
I enjoyed this. Good job and good lesson.
Very well told and very honest. Lovely stuff. God bless.
A poignant snapshot of life as it really is.
Theresa, I think you probably hit a lot of hearts with this one. I just wanted to let you know that you ranked 22nd overall - out of a total of 145 entries, so well done! With love, Deb (Challenge Coordinator)