The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is just too funny! I laughed all the way through it and thought what a scream this would be as a TV program. Imagine mustard, oregano,and red hot peppers in cookies, among all the others spices. What a delightful read and how I wish I had written this!!!
Very entertaining. Reminds of a time in my life when I didn't have a clue the difference between cream of tartar and tartar sauce :) Good work!
This was great. The thought of all the children lining up with spoons in hand, and dispensing all that 'love' into the batter is soooooooo endearing. Good one!
Terrific and funny. There's an old saying, "Never let your character eat an apple when he can be eating fried Cheerios." I guess your characters eating all the spices cookies could fit this saying. My mother-in-law, the "cookie and pie lady," will love reading this.
Oh this is delightful. I was chuckling throughout. I imagine the smell of Hubby's cookies were nothing like the smell he remembered when he was young!