The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1431 times
Member Comments
What a greeting Jake had. Good story.
What a wonderful job you do when you portray a married couple's relationship!

A bit weak on the topic, but a delightful story nonetheless. Well done!
I love Jake!

And I am so glad you made it yellow roses and not red. :) Small details like that really do matter.

There is a lot of creativity here. Good for you!
This was a fun story. I enjoyed the married couple's banter.
Clever way to work in the topic, and to show your research.

I thought that Louise's longest speech didn't ring true--people just don't spout out facts like that. And there were a few other errors; 'peak' for 'peek' stands out. Quick edits would take care of those.

You're very strong at portraying a realistic loving relationship. I enjoyed this.
Fun interaction between husband and wife. Good job incorporating facts abour topic. Good Job.