The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Excellent work. That need to be perfect is a killer. This is very well written and leaves the reader to figure things out. I like it!
I agree, a lot of unanswered questions, leaves the reader wanting more. Nice work. Thank you.
I enjoyed reading this -a nice reminder for all of us :)
Wonderful lesson on perfection, acceptance and true beauty.
I love the way there are so many aspects of perfection - the shells, of course, but also the desire for the perfect location, the crusts just so, the way the milk moustache really rubbed. And then at the end, the decision to take that one broken shell to remind her of the powerful truth of this whole piece. Could it be that in this piece, you've reached perfection ... this couldn't be any better in my eyes. Thanks.
This essay oozes with a mind that knows who they are. I often meet people and after talking for a while, find myself wishing they would search deeper and discover their own inner voice. I believe you have done that. Perfect !
Awesome story! This is a winner in my book. Good job!
Facinating story, leaving the reader to think. Good job!
Beautiful story! a real sense of longing throughout.
"We’re works in progress. Not perfect. Not yet. But one day we will be." You've written a beautiful story.
Wow. This is the kind of writing that I aspire to. Thanks for being such a great example!
Really wonderful piece of writing. I at the end, saying "hey, is this the end? ah, now.." God bless, littlelight
Good work! A most enjoyable pleasure to read!
Nice writing. Very believable piece! Could be a top 8.
I was drawn in by the search for wholeness - body, soul, spirit. A tender telling of relationship of searching and knowing.
Very nicely written. Those shells get stepped on and pounded by storms and rough waters just as we do. Their flaws are the result of the world's system. What a wonderful message that someday we won't be part of this imperfect world anymore. Until then, perfection will have to wait.
Lots to think about. Great work!
Blessings, Lynda
Well done Val! This was an excellent piece of writing and I'm so glad you made it into the Editors' Choice. It's going to be a wonderful addition to the book. Keep up the great writing. You are definitely on a roll! Love, Deb (Challenge Coordinator)