The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Love the title, love the voice of God throughout. I expected that the reason God told her to be at the Rec would be something more to do with the hurricane--but as your title says...
Very good story. I was fooled, too, by where I thought this was going. Keep on writing!
We are placed where we are needed most; thanks for that reminder!
I enjoyed reading this and thought the dialogue seemed realistic. The ending was just as the title implies (fooled me!).
A surprise birthday party ending!!!! Well written all throughout, too.
What a clever twist at the end! I didn't expect that, but it was just perfect for this topic. The characters are well written and likable, too.
This caught my interest and held it throughout. As others have noted, I really enjoyed the twist from what I had been expecting at the end. Well done!
I am more than familiar with hurricanes. I've just had to work through most of them. I enjoyed your story, it's details and the message. LOved the title. God bless.
Very good, and what an unexpected ending. But then when does the Spirit do what we expect? I liked the subconscious promptings from God, and that she didn't acknowledge them but obeyed that "feeling". ps thanks for the comment on my own "wind blows" entry this week. :) Cat