The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1523 times
Member Comments
Your line....... "the manger is a perfect picture of the human heart...." is so profound! COME TO MY HEART, LORD JESUS! THERE'S ROOM IN MY HEART FOR YOU! Very moving piece!
Moving piece. Beautifully written.
I've read this one four times already. Great work. There's a true, honest emotion to it. It feels very real. Plus it's sprinkled with many many great lines. My favorite is:
>>Only in the darkest of places can you fully appreciate a sudden burst of light.<<
Great work! Thank you for submitting it!
An uplifting read. Great last line.
Beautifully written straight from the heart. Thank-you.
from being taken, at Christmas, by men in white to his final Christmas when he leaves with angels in white. Beautiful, in spite of [or because of] the difficult early days. Good job !