The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1765 times
Member Comments
I enjoyed this. I liked the idea that the day that we would set aside to remember Him would be called Thanksgiving. That's what Christmas truly should be, a time to give thanks for the Son of Man / The Son of God, coming to take our place so that we could take our place with Him one day.
This is very creative. I like the little angles giving their view.

Thank you for reminding us to be more than thankful for Jesus who came to give life and to give it more abundantly.

A fresh and delightful take on an old, old story. Great 'little' character. Loved lines like 'Kylie and Greta cranked their tiny necks' Fun and awesome.
Sweet little story. Very imaginative.
Very cute! Nice take on this! And the best part is, you can resubmit this story again for this next Christmas challenge! lol!
I enjoyed this! Very clever - a great story for all ages. Loved the dialogue between the angels.
Nicely done!
Blessings, Lynda
Well done Kylie. This piece flows beautifully.
Hi Dixie. I just wanted to take a moment to encourage you and let you know that you made it into the semi-finals for the "Thanksgiving" Challenge. So although you didn't actually win a place or Highly Commended award, you were definitely in the running. With love, Deb (Challenge Coordinator)